Introduction to KSANA

Rather than writing a serious white paper, we would rather discuss with you in the form of a letter what KSANA will do...

Since 2021, the word “Metaverse” popped up in our daily life and since then, it has become a buzzword in the real world, looming in games, social interaction, investment etc. But just looking around, there’s no accessible “wormhole” to this shadowy world. As the hype marketing around “Metaverse” is being intensified, “Metaverse” seems to be so close and yet so far.

For all those so-called “Metaverses”, their ultimate goal remains the same—artificial scarcity of land and surging high land prices. Instead of being a living space for “humans”, those “Metaverses” are still dominated by “land”. The soaring land prices mark a new carnival for the rich while coldly block those ordinary ones outside the door.

Most of those “Universes” are no more than arrogant self-amusement, with impersonal, weird and alien pseudo-tech woven into those dazzling voids. Still , the grass roots are barred from this game of elites.

Labeled “Metaverse”, it turns out that these “Universes” are merely enclosed games where lands and attention are monopolized by giant corporations and millionaires. Resources have been divided and rules have been established while the general public, and small and mid-sized enterprises are at sea. After that, those corporations will “invite” you and say: Dear “Traffic”, don’t hesitate , just come on!

That’s a bit frustrating, honestly.

That’s neither the Web3 we want, nor the “Metaverse” we’re craving for. You see no trace of accessibility, decentralization, user-autonomy and new Internet.

In this New Continent with former rules, are we-folks and SMEs-doomed to be stuck in the framework of Web2? Or, are we likely to craft an Open Metaverse of the grassroots, not of the stakeholders and millionaires?

Doubt is not equal to pessimism. In fact, we’re optimistic that an open, co-created, shared and gaming Metaverse for living is upcoming. We hope that KSANA can be the greatest Metaverse navigator during the stage of the digital twins.

KSANA is Sanskrit, which means “a split second”. The moment we say it out loud, we all firmly believe that it’s the best name which utterly defines Metaverse physically and emotionally. It bears the explosive vastness and tranquility of the Big Bang, and whispers the vigor of life and spring of delight, as English poet William Blake perfectly depicts in "A Grain of Sand":

To see a world in a grain of sand,

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

And eternity in an hour.

Through the name KSANA and the delicate poem, we’d like to deliver the spirits of modesty and optimism to you.

The boundless Comos was born in a tiny grain of sand, and in this immense world, all of those little dreams sprout and blossom. KSANA shouldn’t be a “Universe” where sands are just gone with the wind. It should be a mustard seed that holds one Mount Meru. Time is fair, and infinite possibilities are everywhere in this new space. Therefore, capture your own KSANA.

All right, let’s say hi to “KSANA”.

Let me show you something...

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